Google Analytics Language Codes

Here’s a reference for the language codes you will find in your Google Analytics reports:

af Afrikaans sq Albanian
ar-sa Arabic (Saudi Arabia) ar-iq Arabic (Iraq)
ar-eg Arabic (Egypt) ar-ly Arabic (Libya)
ar-dz Arabic (Algeria) ar-ma Arabic (Morocco)
ar-tn Arabic (Tunisia) ar-om Arabic (Oman)
ar-ye Arabic (Yemen) ar-sy Arabic (Syria)
ar-jo Arabic (Jordan) ar-lb Arabic (Lebanon)
ar-kw Arabic (Kuwait) ar-ae Arabic (U.A.E.)
ar-bh Arabic (Bahrain) ar-qa Arabic (Qatar)
eu Basque bg Bulgarian
be Belarusian ca Catalan
zh-tw Chinese (Taiwan) zh-cn Chinese (PRC)
zh-hk Chinese (Hong Kong SAR) zh-sg Chinese (Singapore)
hr Croatian cs Czech
da Danish nl Dutch (Standard)
nl-be Dutch (Belgium) en English
en-us English (United States) en-gb English (United Kingdom)
en-au English (Australia) en-ca English (Canada)
en-nz English (New Zealand) en-ie English (Ireland)
en-za English (South Africa) en-jm English (Jamaica)
en English (Caribbean) en-bz English (Belize)
en-tt English (Trinidad) et Estonian
fo Faeroese fa Farsi
fi Finnish fr French (Standard)
fr-be French (Belgium) fr-ca French (Canada)
fr-ch French (Switzerland) fr-lu French (Luxembourg)
gd Gaelic (Scotland) ga Irish
de German (Standard) de-ch German (Switzerland)
de-at German (Austria) de-lu German (Luxembourg)
de-li German (Liechtenstein) el Greek
he Hebrew hi Hindi
hu Hungarian is Icelandic
id Indonesian it Italian (Standard)
it-ch Italian (Switzerland) ja Japanese
ko Korean ko Korean (Johab)
lv Latvian lt Lithuanian
mk Macedonian (FYROM) ms Malaysian
mt Maltese no Norwegian (Bokmal)
no Norwegian (Nynorsk) pl Polish
pt-br Portuguese (Brazil) pt Portuguese (Portugal)
rm Rhaeto-Romanic ro Romanian
ro-mo Romanian (Republic of Moldova) ru Russian
ru-mo Russian (Republic of Moldova) sz Sami (Lappish)
sr Serbian (Cyrillic) sr Serbian (Latin)
sk Slovak sl Slovenian
sb Sorbian es Spanish (Spain)
es-mx Spanish (Mexico) es-gt Spanish (Guatemala)
es-cr Spanish (Costa Rica) es-pa Spanish (Panama)
es-do Spanish (Dominican Republic) es-ve Spanish (Venezuela)
es-co Spanish (Colombia) es-pe Spanish (Peru)
es-ar Spanish (Argentina) es-ec Spanish (Ecuador)
es-cl Spanish (Chile) es-uy Spanish (Uruguay)
es-py Spanish (Paraguay) es-bo Spanish (Bolivia)
es-sv Spanish (El Salvador) es-hn Spanish (Honduras)
es-ni Spanish (Nicaragua) es-pr Spanish (Puerto Rico)
sx Sutu sv Swedish
sv-fi Swedish (Finland) th Thai
ts Tsonga tn Tswana
tr Turkish uk Ukrainian
ur Urdu ve Venda
vi Vietnamese xh Xhosa
ji Yiddish zu Zulu

Coastal Carolina Flea Market Celebrates 35th Anniversary with a New Website

The Coastal Carolina Flea Market, one of the largest flea markets in the southeast, is celebrating their 35th anniversary this year.  We are pleased to celebrate their anniversary with the launch of their new website.  This new website, with its responsive design and clean modern look, better meets the needs of the rapidly growing number of consumers using smartphones, tablets, iPads, and other devices to go online.

Website features:

  • Simple, clear navigation located at the top of every web page
  • Aerial video on the home page showing the massive flea market
  • Quick overview of the company and its services
  • Photo gallery
  • Contact information located on every web page
  • Responsive design to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors)

Visit their website at:

How do I create a successful social media campaign?

Put yourself in the shoes of your customers. What appeals to you? What compels you to act? Peer to peer impressions have more influence now than ever before. A friend recommending a restaurant, product, service, etc. can have more impact than a paid advertisement. Think about the types of posts, information, etc. that not only appeals to your customers, but they will also want to share.

The ALS Association’s “Ice Bucket Challenge” was one of the most successful social media campaigns to date. It incorporated entertaining videos of people challenging people they know to support a worthy cause. The challenge went viral and spread like wildfire. As a result, the ALS Association not only raised a ton of money for their cause, but they spread awareness of the disease and their mission throughout the United States and beyond.

Social media was meant to be “social.” Direct selling of your product and/or service through social media is not as effective as offering something of value to your customers. Consider these ideas when developing a social medial campaign for your business:

  1. Helpful tips people will want to share
    (i.e. a pest control service may want to post tips on reducing mosquitos around your home, etc.)
  2. Entertaining videos – people love to share humor so come up with a video or series of funny, short videos that demonstrate the value of your product.
  3. Contests
    (i.e. send us a 30 second video showing why you love our product; we will post and people will have an opportunity to select their top three favorites; winners will receive a prize, etc.)
  4. Live streams – Facebook Live is an example of a platform where you can transmit live video streams. Consider broadcasting “live” content that is entertaining and informative. This new feature of Facebook – introduced in April 2016 – is gaining in popularity. Learn more here:

You don’t have to be a million-dollar company to create catchy a social media campaign that reaches millions of people. It just takes one good idea to go viral.

CPA in Summerville SC Launches New Website

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new website for Swamp Fox CPA in Summerville, SC at

This new website, with its responsive design and clean modern look, better meets the needs of the rapidly growing number of consumers using smartphones, tablets, iPads, and other devices to go online.

Website features:

  • Simple, clear navigation located at the left side of every web page
  • Animation on the home page highlighting the primary services offered
  • Quick overview of the company and its services on the home page
  • Detailed information about the company and the services offered
  • Email contact form and contact information located on every web page
  • Responsive design to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors)
  • Social media links and sharing interface within each page of website

Summerville, SC Accountant Launches New Website

Immediate Notification When Someone Mentions Your Business Online

Did you know that Google will notify you every time someone mentions your business or website online?

Would you like to receive notifications each time your competitor is mentioned online?

All you have to do is set up Google Alerts.   With Google Alerts, Google will send you e-mails anytime your web page or company name is mentioned.

Google Alerts is an easy method of finding new pages and articles linking to your site or mentioning your service.

Or, for monitoring your competition.

Just go to:

.ME – The domain that’s all about YOU!

image03064165133For business or fun — this domain has personality

Tell your story on the Internet with .ME — the Top-Level Domain that's all about you, your product, your world! Register your own name with a .ME extension and you have the ideal Web address for a personal blog, podcast or online portfolio. Promoting products or services to a young audience? Use a fun .ME domain for your niche website. Anyone can register these domains.

Use .ME for business:

  • Personalize your product or service for Internet-savvy Web consumers by launching a .ME Web site with your product name in it.
  • Protect your brand from competitors who might wish to take advantage of the name recognition generated by your popular .COM.

Or for yourself:

  • Carve out a place on the Internet that's all your own, including an email address with your .ME domain name in it!
  • Perfect for blogs, resumes, and personal pages.

Summerville Accountant & CPA Website

We are so excited to be working with Swamp Fox CPA, LLC, an accounting firm located in Summerville, South Carolina providing tax, accounting, and consulting services to individuals and small businesses.   We will be developing a new responsive website to meet the needs of this successful accounting firm. 

Here's a look at the before website.








What Is The Nofollow Tag; When & How To Use It

We often consult with clients about the use of the nofollow tag.  Sometimes our job is to identify whether or not a link from another website to our client's site is beneficial to our client's SEO, sometimes we offer advice on how our client should structure outgoing links on their own site.

The nofollow tag is one way that site owners tell search engines to NOT count a link to another web page as a “vote” in favor of that website.

Using nofollow can help site owners whose sites contain many links avoid problems with search engines believing they are participating in unacceptable SEO practices.

This infographic from explains nofollow quite well.

Nofollow tag

Kiva Announces the Launch of Their New Website

Kiva Assisted Living is pleased to announce the launch of their new website at

This new website, with its responsive design and clean modern look, better meets the needs of the rapidly growing number of consumers using smartphones, tablets, iPads, and other devices to go online.

Website features:

  • Simple, clear navigation located at both the top and bottom of every web page
  • Slideshow on the home page highlighting the primary services offered
  • Quick overview of the company and its services on the home page
  • Detailed information about the company and the services offered
  • Email contact form and contact information located on every web page
  • News blog including an RSS subscription feed
  • Responsive design to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from mobile phones to desktop computer monitors)
  • Social media links and sharing interface within each page of website

Kiva Assisted Living is not your typical senior living facility. Their home-like setting paired with plentiful social activities and friendly, warm staff make Kiva the preferred choice for active assisted living.

Kiva Palatka

201 Zeagler Drive
Palatka, FL 32177
Call 239-250-5117

Kiva at Canterbury

#10 7th Street
Bonita Springs, FL 34134
Call 239-250-5117

WordPress as a Content Management System

For our clients who require a content management system for their websites, we highly recommend and fully support WordPress and Yoast SEO plugins.  

Why Your Business Should Upgrade to a Responsive Web Design Sooner Rather Than Later

Why should my business have a responsive web design?

Responsive web design has become the go-to solution for businesses who want a user friendly interface and higher customer retention. If your company has come this far without taking advantage of all the benefits it has to offer, you may have already begun to see lower visitor numbers and a disappointing conversion rate.

As a responsible business owner, you'll probably need convincing before paying to upgrade your web presence to one that includes responsive design. However, by opting in you'll soon see a return on investment that will make it worthwhile. In a nutshell, responsive design is just better than what has gone before and in order to keep up with the competition, you'll need it too.

Responsive web design is crucial for the majority of businesses because it allows your users to achieve their goals quickly and smoothly. The important elements of your website can be pulled up on a smart phone and appear as a fully functional version of the original, complete with all the utility you'd offer to customers on a laptop or desktop computer. If you fail to provide a mobile-friendly experience like this for your visitors they won't hang around, they'll simply click away and complete the action or purchase on a rival site.

Unhappy customers are not good for business and neither is going up against a major search engine. Google have recently confirmed what many insiders have suspected for some time – sites that are not optimised for multiple users will slip down their search rankings. Google bases their rankings on how useful a page is for the query a user has entered, plus the utility of the site – for example, can a user complete the action they would like to?

Your page may be completely relevant to their search, but if visitors cannot access the content easily across a number of devices, your site may receive a less than positive review and be placed lower in the search results. If your company is reduced to a second or third page entry you'll lose a considerable amount of traffic, as people naturally select links from the first page.

Google have also pointed out that companies which have a single responsive website – rather than one standard and one mobile version – are far easier for their bots to discover, because there is just one URL.

If your site is responsive and ready to service mobile customers, you can take advantage of many tools and helpful apps like the click-to-call button, this enables a web user to make a voice call to your company immediately. Potential customers can also read reviews about your business or even find you in a busy place using Google Maps, both keenly relevant to the needs of mobile users.

Branding is one of the ways in which we build a relationship of trust with a customer and keep them coming back for more of the same. This is pertinent to responsive design for two reasons, firstly, people do not feel confident in a site they cannot easily navigate and second, in order to create a uniform brand you'll need responsive design to produce a consistent web appearance; however your clients reach you.

In today's market there are only a handful of reasons why a company may choose to stick with static design on their web page. Those who do not rely in any significant way on web traffic to drive sales, or those who have few competitors, or those who have already looked into responsive design and found it was not right for them. For everyone else, if you want to stay ahead of the curve, responsive design is the only way forward for your website.

Responsive web design features

Until recently web designers created different pages depending on where they would be viewed, a tablet for example has a different screen resolution to a laptop, and so the content would be optimised for viewing on that particular device.

However, responsive web design has revolutionised the way in which users look at the internet, it has created an across the board experience allowing us to view pages on a PC, smart phone or notebook in exactly the same way. When they build a site, designers use the same coding on any number of resolutions, giving every device the same degree of functionality.

Responsive web designers believe that their clients' web pages should be accessible to every visitor, giving them an optimal experience, regardless of the device they using. This kind of intelligent response to a web user's actions keeps your company relevant in an ever changing online market place; it boosts your e-commerce figures and makes visiting your site an enjoyable experience.

In technical terms there are three key features of responsive web design, the secret ingredient is generally considered to be media queries. These are filters added on to the CSS or Cascading Style Sheets, affecting the look and feel of any individual page. CSS is a highly useful tool for web designers, but by tagging on a media queries adaption, the process of resizing, rendering and orienting a page becomes far easier.

Another linchpin of responsive design is the flexible layout, this is based on a grid formation, ideal for formatting margins, positioning the key elements of a page and getting the spacing just right. This means a designer is not limited to a certain number of columns, they can choose as many or as few as is appropriate for the page. A flexible layout also removes the need to work out the layouts and text size based on pixels.

Instead, designers use percentages which enable them to adopt a far more fluid approach to producing each page. Pixels work well in photographic images, but are a clumsy tool to use over a number of devices. One pixel may be expressed as three dots on a phone, but ten dots on a desktop, changing the quality of an image considerably between devices.

The third component of responsive design involves the use of CSS or a dynamic resizing function to create flexible images, videos and other content. Text can flow relatively easily as the containing area resizes, but in order to spread this across more complex segments, web designers need to use different techniques. Dynamic resizing gives a web designer greater control over how a page behaves and enables them to add or remove components as needed.

Taken a whole, these multiple technologies mean visitors can enjoy the feeling of familiarity, regardless of what device they happen to be using, or will be using in the future.

When a mobile user changes from landscape to portrait mode, the intuitive design will ensure the page gets bigger or smaller. Furthermore, each element, be it an image, textbox or video will also resize itself to correspond with the different dimensions.

If you have ever tried to access a website and discovered that it was almost impossible to navigate around without shrinking and enlarging the text or buttons, you'll understand why responsive design is considered good practice for the majority of website owners.

Responsive web design Vs Mobile web design

Until quite recently, mobile web design was considered far more relevant to modern consumers than it's responsive counterpart, this approach sees designers using smart phones as a starting point and upgrading the technology progressively, through to notepads, desktop computers and beyond. This method meant that companies needed two websites, one for their mobile pages and one for PC users.

In the early golden years of mobile web design, there were a number of reasons why experts thought that web applications should always be designed first for use on a mobile device. Most important of these was the prevalence of smart phones and the fact that their popularity was continuing to skyrocket. By creating a platform that favoured these millions of users, companies could promote their service or product to what was seen as the next generation of computing consumers.

Secondly, mobile design was said to foster a cleaner concept without room for extraneous elements or unnecessary page clutter. In a screen the size of that on a mobile phone, there simply is not enough room to crowbar in extra buttons and widgets – instead, a design team had to focus on what was actually needed. By giving users a clear route to what they want, it was assumed that their experience would be better, faster, leave them more inclined to return or convert them into a paying customer.

Mobile applications were thought to have far more utility than PC based software, what users expected from their laptop paled in comparison to the capabilities offered on smart phones. From a digital compass, to gyroscopic effects, touch screen inputs and voice control, designers hoped to build on these tools to produce modern web design that was not limited by the constraints of a PC.

Although there are pros and cons for the adoption of a mobile site to run parallel to a main site, responsively designed pages are ideal for retailers who want a robust, homogenous website with plenty of utility for every user. A single site also simplifies marketing campaigns; there is only a need to manage one site and one SEO strategy. Therefore, a website which features responsive design can save companies time and money, but also provide a seamless, convenient way for customers to shop.

Responsive web design statistics

When a team of designers build you a responsive website you know it will adapt intuitively to whatever device it is accessed from, but where is the evidence that proves this is a factor in commercial success?

The content marketing company, Brand Point, found that over 90% of consumers buying decisions are affected by visual elements. In other words, if people land on your site and like the look of the place, they are more likely to stay and buy.

Screen resolutions are changing all the time as new devices reach the market, web developers Spyderweb found that in 2010 there were just 97 unique screen resolution sizes, but by 2013 that figure had leapt to 232. The only way of tackling this increase is to have a responsive website that is optimised for every customer, whatever device they favour.

Customers are driven away by high wait times and pages that take too long to appear; even way back in 2009, 47% of people expected a load time of just two seconds on a webpage. In a study carried out by cloud service providers, Akamai, it was also found that 40% of web users clicked away if they had not gained access to a page within 3 seconds. That is a pretty slim window of opportunity, and it's fair to assume that people's expectations have increased since this study was compiled.

Although external factors like a lack of Wi-Fi or 4G can also affect wait times, the importance of speed for business sites cannot be underestimated. Wed designers can write code for your responsive site that makes it selectively load the elements needed, or even bring in graphics at a later stage.

Design matters because it can have a huge impact on the number of new visitors to your pages, these are people who have reached you through typing in a specific search criteria and decided to click on the link to your site. Web designers, Domain7, have reported that in the case of their client Regent College, there was a leap of 99% in unique visitors after a revamp of their responsive web design.

If your mobile pages leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth of your visitors, they are far less likely to view your entire organisation favourably, and they'll tell their friends. Industry experts at the Search Engine Journal discovered that 57% of people would never recommend a company that had poorly designed pages, strengthening the case for a consistent web strategy that performs the way your customers want it to – wherever they happen to be.


Duncan Maund is the CEO of Mediatopia a professional web design and development company in Bristol, UK. Duncan helps small and medium sized businesses with customised websites and online marketing.

UK Businesses:  If you need help with Responsive web design get in contact with Mediatopia who will happily help and answer any questions you have regarding this topic.

Accessibility Services, Inc. Among 2015 Florida Companies to Watch℠ Honorees

Leading Provider of Environmental Control Units Chosen From Over 500 Nominees

Accessibility Services, Inc. (ASI) announced today that it is among 50 statewide companies selected from more than 500 nominees for Florida Companies to Watch℠, a statewide program managed by economic development group GrowFL, in association with the Edward Lowe Foundation. ASI joins an esteemed group of honorees who will be recognized with this prestigious award on Thursday, November 5th at the Hard Rock Live in Orlando, Florida.

“We are thrilled to be part of the Florida Companies to Watch class of 2015,” says Maggie Thompson, President of ASI. “I applaud GrowFL and the Edward Lowe Foundation for taking time to recognize the hard work and sacrifices businesses such as ASI make everyday to contribute to the economic prosperity of our state. We are excited for all the winners!”

Thompson took the helm of ASI in 2009 when her husband and ASI founder, Fred Thompson, retired. Thompson made the decision to lead her company down an ambitious path toward becoming the leading provider of environmental control units (ECU’s) in the country. Her substantial investment in research and development paid off as the $800,000 company grew to become the $7,000,000 enterprise it is today.

“We were able to accomplish these goals because of the hard work of our outstanding team,” explains Thompson. “This award would not have been possible without our dedicated and committed employees.”

According to GrowFL, ASI’s management team, competitive market position and strong community involvement were among several factors that put them in contention for the award.

The 50 companies named the 2015 Florida Companies to Watch generated a total of more than $1.2 billion in revenue and added nearly 1,000 employees between 2011 and 2014.

Together, the companies project a 23 percent increase in revenue and 19 percent increase in job growth in 2015.

“These stand-out companies are all led by entrepreneurs, and have demonstrated their capacity and intent to grow,” said Dr. Tom O’Neal, executive director of the Florida Economic Gardening Institute and associate vice president for the University of Central Florida’s Office of Research and Commercialization. “They also all have critical intellectual property or a niche position that gives them a competitive edge in their markets.”


JW Machine in Orlando FL – New Website Launch

It is said that a photo is worth a thousand words. Check out the professional photos of work samples and manufacturing facility of JW Machine featured on the newly designed website!  The website was designed and built to meet the latest market demands of tech-savvy multiple device users today.

User Friendly Website

It is user friendly and easy to navigate so you can find the information you are looking for. Highlighted are features displaying work capabilities that you might find helpful the next time you are searching for a precision cnc machining contract manufacturer.

The “Quote” link offers convenience to quickly make contact with your specific requirements so they can quickly respond with a quote to get your project started.

Don’t have time to see all the pages? Use their handy search tool bar conveniently located at the top of the pages or click on the link to their Crushpath Pitch or electronic flyer at the bottom of the pages. Their capabilities are sure to meet the demands of the complex work and quality in the market your serve.

Connecting with JW Machine on Social Media is also simple. Just click on the links to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ at the top of the HOME page. And, don’t forget to “share” the website with your friends.

Navigate through the entire site to learn even more. Visit the “Quality” link to see the quality assurance statement as well as learn more about the Certified Calibrated Precision Inspection department. As always, if you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to send them a message via the “contact us” form. They look forward to and value your feedback!


Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts to Save Time

If you use Gmail, you're going to love these keyboard shortcuts to help you breeze through that email.

Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts to Save Time